Mar 9, 2010

I Set Out to Find Something, I Found Another Instead

"There are many things in life I'd like to find:

I set out to find a good mascara,
I found an "almost perfect" one instead.
I set out to find a good lip gloss,
I found a forgotten one from my stash instead.
I set out to find a good skincare routine,
I found a brilliant dermatologist instead.

I set out to be an archaeologist,
I found my calling in music instead.
I set out to find a new adventure,
I found many old adventures being re-lived instead.
I set out to find a place to settle in,
I found real friends in my time of trials instead.

Life is full of unexpected things,
The Lord my God leads me through them all."
- by Music, 08 March 2010, Singapore

Music the Vagabond is back! :) How's everyone?

Life is like a round of carousel at the moment. First I was in Indonesia. Then I was in Singapore. Followed by another stint in Indonesia. The circle comes around with my being in Singapore again. I enjoyed celebrating Christmas and Chinese New Year with family and friends I haven't seen for many years.

Despite the good times (and much food-chomping), I still long to settle in "a country in the southern hemisphere" like I mentioned before. Alas, the waiting time is longer than what hubby and I thought would be. If the saying "all good things come to those who wait" is really true, I'm hoping to find a big bucket of gold at the end of the rainbows after the rains. Well, make it a big bucket filled with Godiva chocolates and HG products. And funky shoes. And round-the-world flight tickets. And many more. Hehehe...

I hope my writing skill isn't getting rusty after being away for what seems to be a looooong time in the blogging world. I didn't have reliable and/or cheap access to internet where I was, followed by a time of bad health, thus the absence. But those were minor inconveniences compared to the more important things in life at the moment.
Anyway, I'll try to start writing more regularly again, hopefully soon. Now I need a lot of time to catch up with my reading list, and my sleep. It's after midnight where I am! Zzzzzzzzzzz.....


nihrida said...

Welcome back! It's nice to hear from you and to know you're safe and sound. And inspired...
Get some sleep and then - blog!

GlossQueen said...

Welcome back Music! I've been thinking of you and wondering how you're doing? Are you well and healthy now?

Music said...

@nihrida: I think my next travel pictures would make you more jealous. Not to worry, the feeling is mutual, I love pictures of all your animals. :D

@GQ: Hello! (waving my hands) I'm nearly healthy now, I'm a survivor. Hehehe...

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